External statistics

This section contains official statistics compiled by the Banco de España on Spains transactions with the rest of the world and on external financial positions: the balance of payments, international investment position, other statistics consistent with the foregoing, external debt, international reserves, foreign currency liquidity and the coordinated direct investment and portfolio investment surveys.

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Videos and data visualizations

BExploreInteractive graphs and maps to know the external statistics

In briefGraphical summary of external statistics

Serial publications

Occasional publications

Press release archive

This section collects the results of statistics related to the external sector that make an innovative use of information sources and estimation methods, or show a new presentation of results already published in official statistics. Their experimental nature is due to the fact that they have not reached enough maturity in terms of reliability, stability or data quality. However, the available results are provided to users for their use and evaluation, because of the relevance they may have and as a means of improving the products themselves by gathering the opinion from the final recipients of the information.

Experimental statistics


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