Banco de España supervisory guidelines

Pursuant to Article 54 of Law 10/2014, of 26 June, on the organisation, supervision and solvency of credit entitiesOpens in new window, Banco de España may draft and publish technical guidelines for those entities and groups subject to supervision indicating criteria, practices, methods and procedures that it deems suitable for compliance with the regulations governing supervision. Said guides may include criteria that the Banco de España itself will follow in the performance of its supervision activities. Furthermore, the Banco de España may adopt for itself the guidelines on such issues approved by international bodies or committees active in banking regulation and supervision, and transmit them as such to the institutions and groups.

Guidelines issued by the Banco de España

Guidelines the Banco de España has adopted as its own


Recommendations and warnings of the European Systemic Risk Board relevant for the Banco de España

Within its remit, the Banco de España can be the addressee of macroprudential recommendations issued by the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB). On a case-by-case basis, the Banco de España assesses the necessary actions to ensure their compliance, as appropriate.

List of current ESRB recommendations concerning the Banco de España:

  • ESRB/2022/9 File PDF: Opens in new window (530 KB). Recommendation of the ESRB, of 1 December 2022, on vulnerabilities in the commercial real estate sector in the European Economic Area
  • ESRB/2019/18. File PDF: Opens in new window (484 KB) Recommendation of the ESRB, of 26 September 2019, on exchange and collection of information for macroprudential purposes on branches of credit institutions having their head in another Member State or in a third country
  • ESRB/2014/1.Opens in new window Recommendation of the ESRB, of 18 June 2014, on guidance for setting countercyclical buffer rates
  • ESRB/2012/2.Opens in new window Recommendation of the ESRB, of 20 December 2012, on funding of credit institutions (amended by Recommendation ESRB/2016/2Opens in new window)
  • ESRB/2011/2.Opens in new window Recommendation of the ESRB, of 22 December 2011, on US dollar denominated funding of credit institutions
  • ESRB/2011/1.Opens in new window Recommendation of the ESRB, of 21 September 2011, on lending in foreign currencies
  • List of current ESRB warnings concerning the Banco de España:
    • ESRB/2022/7 File PDF: Opens in new window (412 KB). Warning of the ESRB of 22 September 2022 on vulnerabilities in the Union financial system.