Periodic information from credit institutions
- Information on supervised institutions [Regulation EU n.º 575/2013]
- Implementing regulation (EU) 2021/451
- Financial information on consolidated basis (FINREP).
- Information on own funds and own funds requirements
- Reporting on losses stemming from lending collateralised by immovable property
- Information on large exposures and concentration risk
- Information on leverage ratio
- Information on the liquidity coverage ratio
- Information on net stable funding
- Information on assset encumbrance
- Information on the additional monitoring metrics for liquidity reporting
- Information for EISM identification purposes and allocation of EISM buffer percentages
- Información sobre el riesgo de tipo de interés de la cartera bancaria
- Reglamento de Ejecución (UE) 2021/453
- Information on the supervision of entities [Directive 2013/36/UE]
- Reglamento de Ejecución (UE) 2021/453
- Information on supervisory benchmarking of internal models for the calculation of own funds requirements
- Accountancy
- Solvency
- Remuneration
- Resolution
- Deposit Guarantee Fund
- Interest rates Circular 5/2012
- Floor Clauses
Other information from supervised institutions
- Confidential statements on Institutions’ Conduct and claims received
- Confidential statements on issuance and public supervision of covered bonds
- Information on Capital structure
- Information required according to the Codes of Good Practices for the protection of mortgage debtors (RD-l 6/2012 y RD-l 19/2022)
- Information on loans subject to moratoria measures in response to the earthquakes and the volcanic eruptions in La Palma Island
- Information to the Banco de España (RD-l 20/2021): related forms and documents in force
- Information to the Banco de España (Extension RD-l 17/2022): related forms and documents in force
- Information to the Banco de España (Extension RD-l 20/2022): related forms and documents in force
- Information to the Banco de España (Extension RD-l 5/2023): related forms and documents in force
- Information to the Banco de España (Extension RD-l 8/2023): related forms and documents in force
- Information to the Banco de España (Extension RD-l 4/2024): related forms and documents in force
- Information on loans subject to moratoria measures in response to Island to the damage caused by the isolated high altitude depression (DANA) in several municipalities between October 28 and November 4, 2024
Information for the ECB
- Information on the balance sheet of the MFIs
- Information on interest rates of the MFIs
- Minimum reserves of the credit institutions
- Supervisory tax for credit institutions