The National group for payment infrastructures is a forum chaired by Banco de España that aims at supporting financial market integration in the field of payments and, within this scope, providing advice on financial market infrastructures managed by the Eurosystem, including related projects. In order to do so, its members include financial institutions participating in the payments market and their industry associations, as well as Iberpay and Banco de España as managing entities of the Spanish payment systems.
This forum establishes the formal link between the Spanish market and the Eurosystem’s Advisory Group on Market Infrastructures for Payments (AMI-Pay), by acting as sounding board for AMI-Pay and as provider of input in relation to all matters considered by AMI-Pay. It may also suggest issues for AMI-Pay consideration.
- Agenda III reunión AMI-Pay España (123 KB)
- Resumen III reunión AMI-Pay España (200 KB)
- 1. Seguimiento tema fecha valor en pagos inmediatos (263 KB)
- 2. Situación del proyecto (262 KB)
- 3. Proyecto consolidación T2-T2S (575 KB)
- 4. Estrategia sobre ciberseguridad en la Unión Europea (566 KB)
- 5. Estrategia para reducir el riesgo de fraude en los sistemas de grandes pagos (680 KB)
- 6. TARGET2 II reunión AMI-Pay España (378 KB)
- 7. Nuevas liquidaciones con cuenta dedicada (214 KB)
- 8. Otras cuestiones - Armonizacion prácticas ASI6RT (341 KB)