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DG Financial Stability, Regulation and Resolution

Directors General

The current Director General Financial Stability, Regulation and Resolution is Ángel Estrada.


  • Financial Stability and Macroprudential PolicyDirector: Carlos Pérez Montes
  • Financial Reporting and Central Credit Register (CCR) Director: Carmen Fernández DuránDeputy Director: Sonia Serra
  • Regulation Director: Daniel Pérez Cid
  • Bank Resolution Director: Miguel Alexander Kruse


The Directorate General Financial Stability, Regulation and Resolution is responsible for:

  • Analysing and monitoring financial stability, including with regard to the Financial Stability Board. It is also responsible for drafting the Banco de España’s Financial Stability Report.
  • Analysing and formulating macroprudential policy proposals, interacting where necessary with the European Central Bank and the European Systemic Risk Board.
  • Drafting reports and proposals relating to the regulatory and disciplinary rules of institutions subject to Banco de España supervision, in coordination with the relevant Directorate General, and processing external enquiries on the interpretation and application of such rules, except in matters pertaining to bank accounting, market conduct, banking transparency and customer protection.
  • Contributing to the definition of regulatory policy on technical and economic aspects in the framework of the Financial Stability Board, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and the European Banking Authority. To this end, it coordinates with other areas of the Bank (in particular the Directorate General Banking Supervision) and submits the pertinent reports and proposals to the Bank’s governing bodies.
  • Carrying out all the Banco de España’s statutory functions in respect of resolution, in the framework of the Single Resolution Mechanism.
  • Preparing, in coordination with the relevant Directorate General, draft rules and regulations on the periodic information that must be submitted to the Banco de España by institutions subject to its supervision or to that of the Single Supervisory Mechanism.
  • Receipt, quality control, custody and, where applicable, dissemination of the above-mentioned information and of the periodic information to be submitted in connection with the Eurosystem.
  • Managing the Banco de España’s Central Credit Register and overseeing compliance with its regulations, submitting to the Bank’s bodies the pertinent reports and proposals, including those concerning the adoption of preventive, disciplinary or precautionary measures.