Environmental sustainability

Climate change is an increasingly pressing concern for the public at large that could have severe implications for inflation, financial stability and growth. Within our remit, central banks and financial sector supervisors play a significant role in tackling climate change and smoothing the green transition.


imagen info institucional

Institutional information

As a central bank, the Banco de España is committed to efforts in this area. Within our remit, we foster the integration of sustainability into the operations of the financial markets and intermediaries and aim to make our own activities sustainable.

Imagen info general

General information

Within our remit, central banks and financial sector supervisors support governments in the fight against climate change. More specifically, the Banco de España is determined to face this challenge in the areas of: (1) financial stability, regulations and supervision; (2) analysis and research; and (3) its monetary policy and investment portfolio.

Imagen foros internacionales

Membership of international fora

At the international level, there are numerous fora and committees addressing different aspects of climate change. The Banco de España is a member of those that are related to any of its core areas of interest.

Imagen Intervenciones publicas


In this section you will find the speeches of the Governor, Deputy Governor and Senior Management of the Banco de España related to sustainability.