Diez años del MUS: claves de la nueva supervisión bancaria

Gobernadora en funciones. KPMG


Proyecciones macroeconómicas: situación y perspectivas del sector bancario español

Gobernadora en funciones. Curso de verano UIMP/APIE


Six intense years at the helm of the Banco de España. How have we responded to the challenges we have faced?

Post by Pablo Hernández de Cos on the Banco de España Blog


Conoce el Banco de España


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A closer look at…

The digital euro

The digital euro

Growing digitalisation has spread to every corner of our lives and transformed how we pay.

A digital euro would be an electronic form of central bank money accessible to all citizens and firms – like banknotes, but in a digital form – to make their daily payments in a fast, easy and secure way. It would complement cash, which will continue to be issued, not replace it. 

The Eurosystem has published the first progress report on digital euro preparation phase.


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Latest data

ECB indicators. Latest monetary policy decision: 18.07.2024

Main refinancing operations


Effective: 12.06.2024

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Marginal lending facility


Effective: 12.06.2024

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Deposit facility


Effective: 12.06.2024

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One-year Euribor

3.650 %

Mortgages ref 06/2024

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