Unofficial translations of the basic rules governing the Banco de España and Spanish credit institutions.
- Law 13/1994, of 1 June, of Autonomy of the Banco de España(Official State Gazette of 2 June)
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- Law 13/1989, of 26 May. Credit co-operatives (Official State Gazette of 31 May).
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- Law 5/2005, of 22 April, on the supervision of financial conglomerates
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- Royal Decree 1332/2005, of 11 November, implementing Law 5/2005, on the supervision of financial conglomerates.
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- Law 10/2014 of 26 June 2014 on the regulation, supervision and solvency of credit institutions (Boletín Oficial del Estado of 27 June 2014)
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- Royal Decree 84/2015 of 13 February 2015 implementing Law 10/2014 of 26 June 2014 on the regulation, supervision and solvency of credit institutions. (Boletín Oficial del Estado of 14 February 2015)
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- Law 11/2015 of 18 June 2015 on the recovery and resolution of credit institutions and investment firms. (Official State Gazette of 19 June 2015) (Corrigendum published in the Official State Gazette of 4 September 2015)
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- Royal Decree 1012/2015 of 6 November 2015 implementing Law 11/2015 of 18 June 2015 on recovery and resolution of credit institutions and investment firms, and amending Royal Decree 2606/1996 of 20 December 1996 on deposit guarantee schemes for credit institutions. (Official State Gazette (BOE) of 7 November 2015)
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- Annex 9 «Credit risk analysis, allowances and provisions» of Circular 4/2017 of 27 November to credit institutions on Public and confidential financial information rules and formats (Official State Gazette of 6 December)
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- Royal Decree 102/2019 of 1 March 2019 creating the Spanish macroprudential authority (AMCESFI), establishing its legal regime and implementing certain aspects relating to macroprudential tools. (Official State Gazette of 2 March 2019)
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- Banco de España Circular 5/2021 of 22 December 2021 amending Circular 2/2016 of 2 February 2016 to credit institutions on supervision and solvency, which completes the adaptation of Spanish law to Directive 2013/36/EU and to Regulation (EU) No 575/2013. (Official State Gazette (BOE1) of 23 December 2021) (Corrigendum, BOE of 30 December 2021)
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