AMI-SeCo Spain

The Advisory Group on Market Infrastructures for Securities and Collateral (AMI-SeCo) provides advice to the Eurosystem on issues related to the clearing and settlement of securities and to collateral management, as well as on TARGET2-Securities (T2S). The aim of AMI-SeCo is to facilitate an active dialogue with market participants and financial market infrastructures in order to promote the integration of financial markets in the area of clearing and settlement of ​​securities and collateral management, and advice the Eurosystem on its market infrastructures and projects related matters.

At domestic level, the Eurosystem approved in July 2017 the mandate of the AMI-SeCo National Stakeholder Groups (AMI-SeCo NSG) which took over the responsibilities of the T2S National Users Groups. These groups act as a link between each national market and AMI-SeCo. The Spanish group, AMI-SeCo Spain, aims to contribute to the work of AMI-SeCo in fulfilling of its roles and responsibilities, providing the Spanish community view.

AMI-SeCo Spain is chaired by the Banco de España and comprise the relevant authorities with responsibility in the field of clearing and settlement and collateral management, the Spanish financial market infrastructures and their participants together with their associations.

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