Welcome to the Economic Research Portal at the Banco de España
Economic analysis and research are important tasks of the Banco de España, which support its role as Spain’s central bank and as a member of the Eurosystem. The Banco de España has made public their Analysis and Research Priorities for the period 2020-2024.
The Economic Research Portal is directed towards the community of economic and financial researchers worldwide, to provide quick access to publications, statistics, and other information of interest relating to the research output of the Banco de España. For more comprehensive access to all analytical and research output of the Banco de España, please see the main Economic Analysis and Research page.
News and highlights
Researchers in Economics and Finance
15th Research Workshop Banco de España-CEMFI
Research Feature - June 2024
Banco de España on IDEAS:
Publication Updates
Evaluating the yield curve effects of central bank asset purchases under a forward-looking supply factor
European Economic Review
, Volume 165, June 2024, Art 104744
Juan Equiza (University of Navarra)
Ricardo Gimeno(Banco de España)
Antonio Moreno (University of Navarra)
Carlos Thomas(Banco de España)
Public pensions and private savings
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
, Volume 16, Issue 2, May 2024, pp. 366-405.
Esteban García-Miralles
(Banco de España)
Jonathan M. Leganza (Clemson University) -
Uncertainty, non-linear contagion and the credit quality channel: an application to the Spanish interbank market
Journal of Financial Stability
, Volume 71, April 2024, Art 101226.
Adrián Carro
(Banco de España)
Patricia Stupariu (Universtiy of Oxford) -
Sentimental propagation of lottery winnings: evidence from the Spanish Christmas lottery
Journal of Monetary Economics
, Volume 143, April 2024, Art. 103525
Morteza Ghomi
(Banco de España)
Isabel Micó-Millán (Banco de España)
Evi Pappa (Carlos III)