Strategic Plan 2024
In 2020, the Banco de España approved its Strategic Plan 2020-2024. The aim of the plan is to contribute to improving the performance of the institution’s functions in a changing economic, social and technological environment. The Strategic Plan also seeks to raise the public’s awareness of the Banco de España’s mission, vision and values.
Assessment Programme
In 2021, the Governing Council carried out a self-assessment exercise, which resulted in a plan that will be subject to review and monitoring.
Also, in 2022, an external programme was approved to assess the Banco de España’s activities. The aim is to adopt criteria to increase the effectiveness of the institution’s actions and to establish a process of continuous improvement to drive the Banco de España’s modernisation.
Annual regulatory plan
The Banco de España may issue the regulations required to implement and apply the rules that enable it to properly exercise its powers. The regulations issued by the Banco de España are called Circulars, which are prepared drawing on the appropriate technical and legal reports of the Bank’s competent services, submitted to public consultation and approved by the Governing Council of the Banco de España.
The Banco de España may also draft and publish technical guidelines for supervised entities and groups, indicating the criteria, practices, methods and procedures that it deems suitable to ensure compliance with the applicable regulations. These guidelines are published and may include criteria that the Banco de España itself will follow in performing its supervision activities.
In this context, Article 132 of Law 39/2015 establishes that each year the general government agencies will publish a regulatory plan containing the legal or regulatory initiatives that will be submitted for approval the following year. In accordance with the above, Article 7 of the Internal Rules of the Banco de España provides for the annual approval of a regulatory plan.
In addition, since 2021, the Banco de España has prepared and published a report analysing the degree of compliance with the prior year’s regulatory plan.
- Annual Regulatory Plan for 2024
(244 KB) (in Spanish)
- Annual Regulatory Plan for 2023
(11 MB) (in Spanish)
- Annual Regulatory Plan for 2022
(221 KB) (in Spanish)
- Annual Regulatory Plan for 2021
(320 KB) (in Spanish)
- Annual Regulatory Plan for 2020
(145 KB) (in Spanish)
- Annual Regulatory Plan for 2018
(190 KB) (in Spanish)
- Report on the Annual Regulatory Plan for 2023
(182 KB) (in Spanish)
- Report on the Annual Regulatory Plan for 2022
(3 MB) (in Spanish)
- Report on the Annual Regulatory Plan for 2021
(193 KB) (in Spanish)
- Report on the Annual Regulatory Plan for 2020
(199 KB) (in Spanish)
Equiality Plan
The Banco de España’s Equality Plan, signed by the Banco de España and its employees’ legal representatives, strengthens the institution’s commitment to gender equality and the diversity of the people and teams it is made up of. It consists of a series of measures in different areas, such as selection, training, communication, work-life balance, etc. The full document may be consulted below.
- I Equality Plan
(863 KB) (only available in Spanish)
Institutional Report and other publications
The Institutional Report of the Banco de España is intended to provide the public at large with a fuller view of the Bank’s organisation, its structure and the various functions it performs, as well as a summary of the main activities carried out over the previous year.
The Banco de España also periodically publishes different reports with information on the different actions carried out and presenting the main courses of action for the future.
Analysis and research priorities: 2020-2024
Economic analysis and research are important tasks for the Banco de España, underpinning its role as the central bank of Spain and a member of the Eurosystem. Against this background, the Banco de España regularly publishes its Analysis and Research Priorities as well as the relevant updates, according to the challenges that need to be addressed.