Transparency Portal

Law 19/2013 of 9 December 2013 on transparency, access to public information and good governance (Transparency LawOpens in new window, available only in Spanish) aims to extend and reinforce the transparency of public activity as a way to facilitate control of public actions.

In the exercise of its functions and pursuit of its activities, the Banco de España approaches the transparency regime from two standpoints:

  • Active disclosure of important information to ensure the transparency of its public activity. This information is grouped into the three sections envisaged in the Transparency Law: institutional and planning information, economic information and legally relevant information.
  • The public’s right of access to public information. In the right of access section information is provided on how to request information from the Banco de España.
Imagen informacion institucional

Institutional and planning information

The Banco de España performs its functions through certain bodies and in accordance with internal and external rules and regulations. This section provides an up-to-date description of the activities that the Banco de España pursues through its institutional bodies, as part of its commitment to accountability.

Imagen informacion economica

Financial information

The financial activity of the Banco de España is conducted through various public procurement procedures, agreements and management delegation agreements. The Bank also has its own assets and budget, which enable it to discharge its functions. This section describes the means available to the Bank and how they are managed.

Imagen informacion juriidca

Official information and publications

The Banco de España can issue rules for the proper performance of its functions and powers and can draw up technical guidelines, addressed to supervised institutions and groups. It also produces certain publications and studies, as part of its collaboration with the central banks, financial supervisory authorities and financial institutions of other countries and international monetary and financial organisations. This section contains the most important of these documents.

Imagen derecho acceso

Access to public information

The public information of the Banco de España comprises the content and documents that it holds, in whatever format or medium, and that have been prepared or acquired in the performance of its functions and activities subject to administrative law. This section explains how to apply for access to public information and data on the right of access to the Banco de España’s public information.

Imagen faq transparencia


This section includes questions on subjects relating to the Banco de España and on transparency that have been frequently asked by the general public in the past. The questions are divided into different areas, according to their content.

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Imagen Contacto COM

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