Calendars of the Governor, Deputy Governor and the Member of the Supervisory Board of the Single Supervisory Mechanism of the European Central Bank

The calendar gives information on the events attended by the Governor, the Deputy Governor and the member of the ECB’s Supervisory Board. For more information on the institutional agenda, visit our website


The Governor directs the Banco de España, chairs the Governing Council and the Executive Commission and acts as the Bank’s representative vis-à-vis the institutions and international organisations in which its participates.

The calendars provide information on his capacity as Governor of the Banco de España and as a member of the ECB’s Governing Council. These include institutional meetings, appearances, conferences and speeches, as well as meetings with third parties (including the media), unless the dissemination of such information could undermine the protection of public interest. Internal, preparatory and private meetings are not published.

The calendars are published monthly, with a delay of three months, across all the countries that are part of the European System of Central Banks, and they complement the information published on the Bank of Spain's website.

Governor - 2024

Deputy Governor

The Deputy Governor of the Banco de España stands in for the Governor when the post is vacant or in the event of absence or illness, and performs the duties established in the Bank’s internal rules or delegated by the Governor.

The calendars provide information on Deputy Governor of the Banco de España. These include institutional meetings, appearances, conferences and speeches, as well as meetings with third parties (including the media), unless the dissemination of such information could undermine the protection of public interest. Internal, preparatory and private meetings are not published.

The calendars are published monthly, with a delay of three months.

Member of the Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank

Members of the Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank publish their calendars, which include information about the date, name of participants/organizers, topic, and location of the meeting/event related to their participation in the Supervisory Board.

The current representative of the Bank of Spain on the Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank is Mercedes Olano, Director General of Supervision of the Bank of Spain. Until September 11, 2024, the representation was held by the Deputy Governor of the Bank of Spain, Margarita Delgado.

The calendars are published monthly, with a delay of three months across all the countries that are part of the European System of Central Banks.