- Advanced Approaches (Operational Riskl)
- Classification of losses due to operational risk according to the event typeCBE Nª100ª
- Effects of insurance and other mechanisms for transferring risk in the event of using advanced approaches
- As a mechanism for transferring operational risk3/2008.99ª.3
- Conditions governing insurance that covers operational risk events: Decided by the BE3/2008.99ª.1
- Limit on the reduction of capital requirements3/2008.99ª.4
- Requirements of the risk hedge supplier..3/2008.99ª.2
- As a mechanism for transferring operational risk3/2008.99ª.3
- Qualitative requirements laid down by the BE3/2008.98ª.2
- Quantitative requirements laid down by the BE3/2008.98ª.3
- Analysis of hypothetical scenarios3/2008.98ª.3.4
- Business environment and internal control systems3/2008.98ª.3.5
- External data on losses through operational risk3/2008.98ª.3.3
- General requirements3/2008.98ª.3.1
- Internal data on losses through operational risk3/2008.98ª.3.2
- Analysis of hypothetical scenarios3/2008.98ª.3.4
- Scope of application and authorisation from the BE3/2008.98ª.1.DT 8ª
- Also see
- Classification of losses due to operational risk according to the event typeCBE Nª100ª
- Advertising of bank notes and coins
- Authorisation from the Banco de EspañaMonetaria 1/1995.1.ª
- Authorisation procedureMonetaria 1/1995.2.ª
- Authorisation unnecessaryMonetaria 1/1995.2.ª5
- FinesMonetaria 1/1995.3.ª
- Sanctioning procedureMonetaria 1/1995.3.ª
- Authorisation from the Banco de EspañaMonetaria 1/1995.1.ª
- Advertising of operations, financial services and productsCircular Circular 8/1990.9.ª,10.ª
- Annual percentage rateCircular Circular 8/1990.1.ª 1b),6.ª 10 12,6.ªbis,8.ª 4,9.ª 2,An.V,VII
- Application of profits
- Also see
- Automatic personal data files managed by the Banco de España
- Access, ammendment, cancellation and opposition rights2/2005.4.ª
- Creation, modification or removal of files2/2005.1.ª
- Data assignment2/2005.3.ª
- File classes2/2005.2.ª
- Files2/2005.An.I, An.II
- Files managed by the Banco de España by virtue of its pulic functions2/2005.An.I
- Balance of payments and financial transactions with foreign countries2/2005.An.I(XII)
- Banco de España-managing entity of the Anotated Public Debt Market2/2005.An.I(II)
- Capital structure of institutions supervised by the Banco de España2/2005.An.I(V)
- Central Credit Register2/2005.An.I(III)
- Claims Service2/2005.An.I(XIII)
- Main agents in terms of volume of transfers from certain foreign exchange bureaux2/2005.An.I(VI)
- Most active valuers and main customers of valuatiion companies and services2/2005.An.I(VII)
- Offical registers of senior officers from entities registered with the Banco de España2/2005.An.I(IX)
- Proceedings of the Central Credit Register2/2005.An.I(IV)
- Rebate of witholdings on interest2/2005.An.I(I)
- Register of agents of institutions supervised by the Banco de España2/2005.An.I(VIII)
- Register of professionals assocaited with valuation companies supervised by the Banco de España2/2005.An.I(X)
- Register of the holders of bureaux open to the public for foreign currency exchange2/2005.An.I(XI)
- Sanctionary proceedings2/2005.An.I(XIV)
- Balance of payments and financial transactions with foreign countries2/2005.An.I(XII)
- Internal or operating files2/2005.An.II
- Access and occupation control in Banco de España buildings2/2005.An.II(XV)
- Banco de España code of conduct statements2/2005.An.II(VIII)
- Certain cash operations2/2005.An.II(II)
- Current account and securities deposit operations2/2005.An.II(III)
- Electronic certificates2/2005.An.II(IX)
- Exchanges of foreign currency2/2005.An.II(I)
- File consultations2/2005.An.II(XVII)
- Issue of identity cards2/2005.An.II(XVI)
- Management of the Banco de España Library2/2005.An.II(XII)
- Overseas operations2/2005.An.II(IV)
- Personnel management2/2005.An.II(X)
- Personnel recruitment and training2/2005.An.II(XI)
- Prevention of occupational health and safety risks2/2005.An.II(XIII)
- Register of document entry and exit2/2005.An.II(VI)
- Services Company doctors2/2005.An.II(XIV)
- Suppliers and customers of non-financial goods and services2/2005.An.II(V)
- Suscribers of the Service Publications2/2005.An.II(VII)
- Access and occupation control in Banco de España buildings2/2005.An.II(XV)
- Files managed by the Banco de España by virtue of its pulic functions2/2005.An.I
- Access, ammendment, cancellation and opposition rights2/2005.4.ª