Procurement at Banco de España is governed by Law 9/2017, of November 8 and its implementing rules, applicable to contracting authorities deemed not to be Public Administration, provided that they do not affect the autonomy of Banco de España.
From April 30, 2018 the procurement section of Banco de España’s website is integrated in the Plataforma de Contratación del Sector Público. All the information on tenders published after this date will be available at the following link:
For tenders whose contract notice has been published from October 10, 2023, the submission of offers and necessary documentation will be performed, within the deadlines indicated in the respective notices, through the Plataforma de Contratación del Sector Público.
For tenders whose contract notice was published before October 10, 2023, offers and necessary documentation will continue to be submitted, within the deadlines indicated in the respective notices, through the following link:
Furthermore, and in accordance with Decision ECB/2008/17, the European Central Bank and the national central banks of the Eurosystem may engage in joint procurements for the purchase of goods and services. The Eurosystem Procurement Coordination Office (EPCO) promotes and coordinates these joint tender procedures. Information about EPCO joint procurements is available at the following link:
Note: All links open pages in Spanish