Banner Comun Subhome
Informacion general

* General information

Address, business hours and public holidays


Tax Identification Number: Q2802472G

Bloomberg: BOS,

Reuters: BANCA

+(34) 91 338 5000

Acreditaciones - Ley de credito nmobiliario

Accreditation - the Real Estate Credit Law

Expertise and skills required of employees of financial institutions which market or advise on mortgage loans.

+(34) 91 799 8992

Actos publicos

Public events

Requests for participation by the governor/deputy governor in public conferences

Archivo Histórico y Gabinete Numismático

Historic Archive and Numismatic Office

Historical queries and requesting an appointment

+(34) 91 338 8581



Comments and suggestions on this service

+(34) 91 338 5058

Central de balances

Central Balance Sheet Data

Enquiries exclusively for companies which provide their accounting information

+(34) 91 338 6900

Central de información de riesgos

Central Credit Register

Requests to exercise the rights of access or rectification of Central Credit Register data

+(34) 91 338 6166

Icono comunicacion


Media enquiries

+(34) 91 338 5044

Emision y caja


Information on banknotes and coins

+(34) 91 338 8830

900 545 454

icono imagen institucional

Institutional image

Enquiries or requests concerning the institutional image

Información estadística

Statistical information

Statistical information and enquiries

+(34) 91 338 5651

icono belab

BELab Data Lab

Information and queries with Banco de España’s Data Lab - BELab

Página web

Web site

Comments and suggestions

Reclamaciones quejas y consultas

Claims, complaints and queries

Enquiries concerning bank transparency regulations and claims.

Oficina Virtual ReclamacionesOpens in new window

(34) 91 338 8830

900 545 454

Registro de entidades

Registries of institutions

Enquiries concerning the institutions registered in official registers

Oficina Virtual

Electronic Office

Electronic office. Transactions on-line.


Training and Recruitment

Requests on selection processes

(34) 91 338 6834


Technical support for users

Notify errors or technical problems