
Microeconomic datasets

  • Survey of Financial Competences (ECF)Opens in new window
    The Survey of Financial Competences (ECF by its Spanish name) is an initiative of the Banco de España included in the National Statistics Plan that measures the level of financial knowledge of the adult population in Spain. The study benefits from the cooperation of the National Statistics Institute, which has drawn up a large sample of randomly selected individuals, representative of the entire Spanish territory and of each of its regions (comunidades autónomas). By means of personal interviews, information is collected both on the financial knowledge of the person chosen at random to reply to the interview and on the knowledge available in the interviewee's household. The ECF is part of an international project coordinated by the International Financial Education Network of the OECD. This allows for comparison of the financial competences of the Spanish population with those of a large group of countries.
  • The Spanish Survey of Household Finances (EFF)Opens in new window
    The Spanish Survey of Household Finances is a dataset with household-level information on incomes, assets, debts and consumption, and also on household members’ employment status and income. Seven editions of the survey are available (2002, 2005, 2008, 2011, 2014, 2017 and 2020) and the results of the seventh will be published shortly. As from the 2020 edition, the survey will be conducted on a biannual rather than triannual basis. The sample has  a rotating panel component, which is complemented in each wave to retain cross-sectional representativeness.
  • Central Balance Sheet Databases 
    The Central Balance Sheet Data Office (CBSO) of the Banco de España provides data on the performance and financial and net worth positions of non-financial corporations resident in Spain and multinational groups. The CBSO maintains annual and quarterly databases based on questionnaires completed voluntarily by over 9000 and 800 large corporations, respectively, and a third database including around 1 million  companies based on the mandatory accounting data they file.
  • Data Laboratory
    The Banco de España has launched a data laboratory (BELab) to provide access to the research community to high-quality microdata compiled by the institution. BELab makes microdata on non-financial corporations reporting to the Central Balance Sheet Data Office and on securities issues available to researchers. It will provide access to other databases in the near future.

Macroeconomic data series

The following statistics can be found at statistics. The release calendar for these data is defined by the Spanish National Statistics Plan.

  • Financial Accounts of the Spanish Economy (FASE)
    These data, prepared under the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010), describe the financial positions of sectors resident in Spain, along with sectoral-rest of the world positions. Detailed information on balance sheet and transactions accounts, and on revaluation accounts, is provided for each institutional sector. Homogeneous annual and quarterly series begin in 1995, and the latest data are published with a three-and-a-half-month lag.
  • Monetary and financial statistics
    Monetary and financial statistics are required for the production of euro area harmonised statistics. Monthly balance sheet data are available for credit institutions from 1962 (based on supervisory returns), and for monetary financial institutions from 1980. New series published since 2003 for compliance with euro area statistical regulations include monthly series on credit institutions' interest rates, and a quarterly survey of the bank lending market.
  • Balance of payments and international investment position statistics
    These data are prepared under the methodology of the IMF Balance of Payments Manual (6th ed., 2009). Access is available to the monthly and quarterly data of the Spanish balance of payments. In the case of the international investment position, the quarterly data are accessible. A separate, dedicated annual article is published in the Economic Bulletin.
  • Historical statistics for researchers.
    This project provides researchers and other interested users with statistical information that the Banco de España no longer disseminates as part of its current statistical activity (discontinued data series). In addition, data compiled or estimated by researchers whose papers have been published by the Banco de España (re-edited time series) are also made available. The selected historical time series offer a combined extract of the above-mentioned time series for the most significant variables.
  • Economic Policy Uncertainty (EPU) Indices for Latin America
    We construct economic policy uncertainty (EPU) indices based on different press coverage for the six main Latin American economies (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru), following the methodology presented in Andrés Escayola, Erik, Corinna Ghirelli, Luis Molina, Javier Pérez and Elena Vidal (2023), and EPU indices for Central America and the Dominican Republic, according to the methodology of Diakonova, Marina, Corinna Ghirelli and Juan Quiñónez (2024).
  • EPU indexes for Spain based on boolean searches
    We construct 3 alternative indexes of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) for Spain based on different newspaper coverages from January 1997 to the present. The construction of the index follows closely the procedure in "Measuring Economic Policy Uncertainty" by Scott R. Baker, Nicholas Bloom and Steven J. Davis.
  • Supply Bottleneck Indexes (SBI)
    We build Supply Bottleneck Indexes (SBI) for seven economies (the US, the UK, Spain, Germany, France, Italy, and China) based on textual searches in national newspapers. The methodology is similar to the one proposed by Scott R. Baker, Nicholas Bloom, and Steven J. Davis in "Measuring Economic Policy Uncertainty."
  • EPU indexes for the Euro Area based on topic modelling
    We reproduce the EPU indexes proposed by Azqueta-Gavaldon et al. (2023)Opens in new window for Italy, France, Germany, Spain, and the Euro Area (EA) as a whole. These indexes are based on newspaper data and rely on Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), a topic modelling technique that allows to capture the underlying topics and themes that contribute to economic policy uncertainty.
  • European Productivity Utilization-adjusted Series (EUROPROD-UA)
    We provide annual and quarterly series for Total Factor Productivity (TFP) growth in the four largest economies in the Euro Area that take into account both changes in the utilization of productive factors and the existence of profits. The series are estimated using the methodology described in Comin et al. (2024)Opens in new window.

Library and archives

  • Library
    The Library of the Banco de España offers access to nearly 340,000 printed and electronic works on economics, finance and related fields. Located at the Banco de España's Madrid headquarters, the library is open for consultation to the general public.
  • Historical archive
    The Banco de España maintains a large archive of historical records relating to its own activities. The archive is available for consultation at the Banco de España's headquarters in Madrid.

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