Supply Bottlenecks Indexes based on newspaper data

We build Supply Bottleneck Indices (SBI) for seven economies (the US, the UK, Spain, Germany, France, Italy, and China) based on textual searches in national newspapers. The methodology is explained in Burriel, Kataryniuk, Moreno-Pérez and Viani (2023) "A new Supply Bottlenecks Index based on newspaper data", International Journal of Central Banking (forthcoming).

For each country, both a daily and a monthly version of the Supply Bottleneck Index is available. The time-series for the indices start in 1990 for the US; 2001 for the UK; 2006 for France; 2007 for Spain, Italy and Germany; and in 2010 for China.

For more details on the construction of the SBI indexes, see Burriel et al. File PDF: Opens in new window (7 MB) (2023).

All indicators will be regularly updated on this web page and can be downloaded from Monthly SBI File XLSX: Opens in new window (45 KB) and Daily SBI File XLSX: Opens in new window (1 MB).