The Banco de España has two whistleblowing channels available to the public for reporting, in a secure and confidential manner, possible breaches or irregularities that arise in relation either to acts committed within the Banco de España (internal channel) or to infringements by supervised entities of the regulatory and disciplinary rules (external channel).
These two channels comply with Law 2/2023 of 20 February 2023 regulating the protection of persons who report regulatory breaches and the fight against corruption.
Note that these are NOT the appropriate channels if you need to file (i) a complaint or claim against an institution or firm not supervised by the Banco de España; (ii) a complaint or claim against a financial institution you consider to have acted to the detriment of your interests or rights (breaches of the regulations governing transparency and consumer protection or standards of conduct or good financial practice); or (iii) a claim against an institution to contest the data reported to the Central Credit Register (CCR):
- If you need to file a complaint or claim against a financial institution supervised by the Banco de España, please use the process for Claims and queries regarding the regulations on transparency and good banking practice on our website.
- If you need to file a claim against an institution to contest the data reported to the Central Credit Register (CCR), please use the process for Claim against an institution to contest the data reported to the Central Credit Register on the Banco de España website
Internal channel (SIIBE)
The internal channel forms part of the Banco de España’s Internal Whistleblowing System (SIIBE, by its Spanish acronym), and can be used to report, confidentially and effectively, irregularities on the part of the Banco de España or its staff that arise in relation to an employment or professional relationship with the Banco de España.
These irregularities could be infringements of EU law, administrative or criminal offences, cases of harassment or discrimination, and infringements of the Code of Conduct.
External channel
The external channel can be used to report, confidentially and effectively, any infringement of the regulatory and disciplinary rules by an entity supervised by the Banco de España.
This channel can also be used if an entity is suspected to be pursuing activities reserved for, or to be using the names restricted to, entities subject to the functions and competences of the Banco de España without having obtained authorisation to do so or without being registered in the necessary registries.