Questions and answers

What electronic procurement platform does the Banco de España use?

Since 10 October 2023, the Banco de España has been processing its tenders on the Public Sector Procurement Platform (PLACSP, by its Spanish abbreviation): in new window.

Tenders under way before that date continue to be processed on the Banco de España Electronic Tendering Platform: in new window

To submit the tender documentation online you must follow the instructions and comply with the requirements and conditions laid down in the PLACSP: in new window

All the necessary information in this connection may be obtained by consulting the Help Guides: in new window

Prior information notices (PINs) announce contracts for works, supplies or services, subject to harmonised regulation, that the Banco de España plans to award within the next 12 months. There is no obligation on the Banco de España to carry out the tendering.

If you are interested in participating in any of the procurement procedures announced in a PIN you need to wait for publication of the contract notice to find out all the details and necessary information.

To fill in the ESPD you should go to the following website: in new window

In “Part IV: Selection criteria” the economic operator need only complete Section α “Global indication for all selection criteria”. This section will open when “NO” is selected as the answer to the question “Do you want to use the selection criteria from A to D?”. There is no need to fill in Sections “A: Suitability”, “B: Economic and financial standing”, “C: Technical and professional ability” or “D: Quality assurance schemes and environmental management standards”.

The information and/or documentation requested should be submitted through the PLACSP – or through the Banco de España Electronic Tendering Platform, if it is a tender published prior to 10 October 2023 – in accordance with the conditions and deadlines indicated in the request received.

The number of electronic envelopes or files, as well as the content of the information to be provided in each one, is specified in the clause of the schedule of special requirements (PCP by its Spanish abbreviation) relating to the content of proposals (and in the clause relating to the content of participation applications, in the case of restricted procedures and negotiated procedures).

Requests for further information should be made through the Banco de España’s contractor profile on the PLACSP, by accessing the file details and selecting the “Request information” tab (to be able to see the “Request information” tab you need to be registered on the platform and logged in).

Bids are submitted in accordance with the provisions of the Guide to Electronic Tendering Services: Preparation and Submission of bids, available at the following link: in new window.

The PLACSP has a support service, available at the following email address: Send email: Opens in new window. It is recommended when using this service that you provide as much information as possible on the query or problem: tender number, session identifier, contracting authority, assistance entity, error screenshots, etc.

Also, you may call the following telephone number: 91 524 12 42

While the platform is available 24/7, telephone and email services operate from 9:00 to 19:00, from Monday to Thursday, and from 9:00 to 15:00 on Fridays (except on public holidays in Madrid).

You can send your requests through the following formOpens in new window. Replies to emails will always be based on their content and circumstances.

NOTE: If you have not found the answer to your query in these FAQs fill out the following formOpens in new window, providing all the information necessary for its full consideration. Replies to emails will always be based on their content and circumstances.