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Experimental statistics

The contents presented as experimental statistics, generally, make an innovative use of information sources and estimation methods, or show a new presentation of results already published in official statistics. Their experimental nature is due to the fact that they have not reached enough maturity in terms of reliability, stability or data quality. However, the available results are provided to users for their use and evaluation, because of the relevance they may have and as a means of improving the products themselves by gathering the opinion from the final recipients of the information. This practice is in line with other national and European institutions which also have a statistical function (see ECB's experimental data pageOpens in new window, European Statistical System strategyOpens in new window or INE's experimental statistics pageOpens in new window).

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Card payments infographic

In this section, we present a new experimental statistic whose main objective is to provide information on external payments, both card present and remote, with bank cards issued in Spain and that could be tourism related (hotels, travel agencies, etc).