Access to information in the context of activities of European central banks and competent authorities

Access to information in the context of activities of European central banks and competent authorities

Series: Miscellaneous.

Author: Banco de España.

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This report is the outcome of a Schuman Programme project undertaken by the Banco de España, as a host institution, to study how the ESCB/SSM institutions grant access to information in the context of their activities.

The regulation of the right of access to public information – in the European Union setting – is a national competence and, therefore, legislation may differ from one country to another. This report aims at sharing best practices in the means and approaches taken to access information in the context of activities of central banks and supervisory authorities in Europe.

It should be seen as a starting point for initiating a deeper discussion on various practical implementation tools and methods, and a means to strengthen the right of access and make it a better tool for communication with European citizens.

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