El XI Workshop de Mercados Emergentes tuvo lugar el 4-5 de noviembre de 2013 en Madrid, en la sede del Banco de España. Este año el objetivo fue analizar "el nuevo paisaje económico tras la crisis" y, en particular, cómo se están comportando las economías emergentes en este nuevo entorno. La conferencia estuvo reservada a investigadores de bancos centrales y organismos financieros internacionales.
4 Noviembre
- 09:15h - 09:30h
Opening Remarks
Pilar L'Hotellerie-Fallois (67 KB) (Banco de España)
- 09:30h - 11:00h
Chair: Ignacio Hernando (Banco de España)
Marco lo Duca, Giulio Nicoletti and Ariadna Vidal (ECB). The 2009-2013 Bond issuance global frenzy: what role for advanced economies’ monetary policy?. Presentation (1 MB)
Lead off discussant: Henrique Basso (251 KB) (Banco de España)
Sudden stop of capital flows and the consequences for the banking sector and the real economy (2 MB)
Florian Neagu and Irina Mihai (Bank of Romania). Sudden stop of capital flows and the consequences for the banking sector and the real economy. Presentation (559 KB)
Lead off discussant: Ana Simona Manu (ECB)
- 11:30h - 13:00h
Chair: José Manuel Marqués (Banco de España)
Fire-Sale FDI or business as usual? (731 KB)
Ron Alquist, Raul Mukherjee and Linda Tesar (Bank of Canada). Fire-Sale FDI or business as usual?. Presentation (517 KB)
Lead off discussant: Ramona Jimborean (59 KB) (Banque de France)
Fernando Arias, Daria Garrido, Daniel Parra and Hernán Rincón (Banco de la República de Colombia). Do the different types of capital flows respond to the same fundamentals and in the same degree?. Presentation (464 KB)
Lead off discussant: Cyril Rebillard (347 KB) (Banque de France)
- 13:00h - 13:45h
- Keynote lecture
- 15:00h - 16:30h
Chair: Juan Francisco Jimeno (Banco de España)
Does Bank Liquidity Creation Contribute To Economic Growth?
Jarko Fidrmuc, Zuzana Fungácova and Laurent Weill (BOFIT). Does Bank Liquidity Creation Contribute To Economic Growth?. Presentation (409 KB)
Lead off discussant: Christian Castro (467 KB) (Banco de España)
Global liquidity, Domestic credit and Capital Flows (435 KB)Christina Glocker and Pascal Towbin (WiiW and Swiss National Bank). Global liquidity, Domestic credit and Capital Flows. Presentation (677 KB)
Lead off discussant: Marco lo Duca (ECB)
- 16:45h - 18:00h
Chair: Helene Schubert (Oesterreichische National Bank)
Is the Eurozone on the Mend? Latin American Examples to Analyze the Euro Question (737 KB)
Eduardo A. Cavallo, Andrew Powell and Eduardo Fernández Arias (IADB). Is the Eurozone on the Mend? Latin American Examples to Analyze the Euro Question. Presentation (858 KB)
Comments by: Iikka Korhonen (209 KB) (BOFIT, Bank of Finland) and Enrique Alberola (619 KB) (Banco de España)
5 Noviembre
- 09:30h - 11:00h
Chair: Pedro del Río (Banco de España)
Carmen Broto and Luis Molina (Banco de España). Characterizing the rating cycles in emerging countries: How do the agencies adapt new information. Presentation (834 KB)
Lead off discussant: Iikka Korhonen (BOFIT – Bank of Finland)
Early warning for currency crises: what is the role of financial openness? (1 MB)Jon Frost and Ayako Saiki (De Nederlandsche Bank). Early warning for currency crises: what is the role of financial openness?. Presentation (369 KB)
Lead off discussant: Irina Balteanu (135 KB) (Banco de España)
- 11:30h - 12:15h
Chair: Sonsoles Gallego (Banco de España)
Common Drivers in Emerging Market Spreads and Commodity Prices (334 KB)
Diego Bastourre, Jorge Carrera, Javier Ibarlucía y Mariano Sardi (BCRA). Common Drivers in Emerging Market Spreads and Commodity Prices. Presentation (241 KB)
Lead off discussant: Ricardo Gimeno (Banco de España)
- 12:15h - 13:45h
Chair: Enrique Alberola (Banco de España)
The Determinants of Households’ Savings in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe (646 KB)
Elisabeth Beckman, Mariya Hake and Jarmila Urvova (OeNB). The Determinants of Households' Savings in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Presentation (1 MB)
Lead off discussant: Ángel Estrada (Banco de España)
Ana María Aguilar and Claudia Ramírez (Banco de Mexico). Oil-dependent Revenues and Macroeconomic Stability Under Fiscal and Monetary Rules: An Analysis for Mexico. Presentation (467 KB)
Lead off discussant: Francesca Viani (190 KB) (Banco de España)