On June 16-17, the Banco de España will host the conference “Labor Markets: Growth, Productivity and Inequality”, jointly organized with The World Bank. The goal of the conference is to bring together academics and policy makers to discuss labor markets dynamics and their relation with growth. In particular, the Conference will look for new evidence on the labor market responses to macroeconomic and policy changes after the Great Recession, and on how employment levels and wages are likely to react to different labor market programs and policies. Special attention will be given to the interplay between labor market structure and rigidities and the response to business cycle fluctuations, as well as to new evidence on the effects of demand and supply side changes on employment, wages, and inequality. How different policies are likely to affect employment quality, labor productivity and growth will be also assessed.
16 June
- 09:30h - 09:45h
- Registration
- 09:45h - 10:00h
- Opening remarks: Fernando Restoy, Deputy Governor (Banco de España)
- 10:00h - 11:30h
Chair: Pilar L´Hotellerie-Fallois (Banco de España)
Paper 1: Earnings Inequality and the MinimumWage: Evidence from Brazil (643 KB) Paper 1: Earnings Inequality and the MinimumWage: Evidence from Brazil. Presentación (650 KB)
Niklas Engbom and Christian A. Moser (Princeton University)Discussant: Joana Silva (World Bank) Joana Silva. Presentación (91 KB)
Paper 2: On the Welfare Implications of Automation. (801 KB) Paper 2: On the Welfare Implications of Automation. Presentación (1 MB)
Maya Eden (World Bank) and Paul Gaggl (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)Discussant: Aitor Lacuesta (Banco de España) Aitor Lacuesta. Presentación (1 MB)
- 11:30h - 11:45h
- Coffee break
- 11:45h - 13:00h
Keynote Speech: The Importance of Firms in Labor Market Outcomes, David Card (University of Berkeley)
The Importance of Firms in Labor Market Outcomes. Presentación (304 KB)
Chair: Pilar L'Hotellerie-Fallois (Banco de España)
- 13:00h - 14:00h
- Informal Lunch (by invitation)
- 14:00h - 16:00h
Chair: Ernesto Villanueva (Banco de España)
Paper 1: Labor Regulation and Temporary Agency Workers (279 KB). Labor Regulation and Temporary Agency Workers. Figures and tables. (474 KB) Labor Regulation and Temporary Agency Workers. Presentación (1 MB).
Pablo Muñoz (University of Berkeley) and Alejandro Micco (Chilean Ministry of Finance)Discussant: Samuel Bentolila (CEMFI) Samuel Bentolila. Presentación (309 KB)
Paper 2: Labor Earnings, Misallocation and the Returns to Education in Mexico (787 KB)
Santiago Levy (Inter-American Development Bank) and Luis Felipe López-Calva (World Bank) Labor Earnings, Misallocation and the Returns to Education in Mexico. Presentación (666 KB)Discussant: Pietro Garibaldi (Turin University) Pietro Garibaldi. Presentación (702 KB)
Paper 3: Labor Demand Management in Search Equilibrium (995 KB) Labor Demand Management in Search Equilibrium. Presentación (952 KB)
David López-Salido and Cynthia L. Doniger (Federal Reserve Board)Discussant: Tito Cordella (World Bank) Tito Cordella. Presentación (349 KB)
- 16:00h - 16:15h
- Coffee break
- 16:15h - 18:15h
Chair: Juan José Dolado (European University Institute)
Paper 1: The Returns to Schooling Unveiled
Ana Rute (CSIC and Barcelona GSE), Pedro Portugal, Paulo Guimaraes, and Hugo Reis (Bank of Portugal) Paper 1: The Returns to Schooling Unveiled. Presentación (330 KB)Discussant: Julián Messina (Inter-American Development Bank) Julián Messina. Presentación (163 KB)
Paper 2: Insurance Between Firms: The Role of Internal Labor Markets. Paper 2: Insurance Between Firms: The Role of Internal Labor Markets. Presentación (1 MB).
Giacinta Cestone (City University of London), Francis Kramarz (CREST and ENSAE), Chiara Fumagalli (Università Bocconi) and Giovanni Pica (Università di Milano)Discussant: Felix Wellschmied (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid). Felix Wellschmied. Presentación (153 KB).
Paper 3: Unraveling Firms: Demand, Productivity and Markups Heterogeneity (1 MB). Unraveling Firms: Demand, Productivity and Markups Heterogeneity. Presentación (2 MB).
Emanuele Forlani (University of Pavia), Ralf Martin, Mirabelle Muls (Imperial College), and Giordano Mion (University of Sussex) Emanuele Forlani, Ralf Martin, Mirabelle Muls y Giordano Mion. Presentación (162 KB)Discussant: Sabien Dobbelaere (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam).
- 20:30h - 22:30h
- Dinner (by invitation)
17 June
- 09:15h - 10:45h
Chair: Javier Vallés (Banco de España)
Paper 1: Trade and Labor Market Dynamics (523 KB). Trade and Labor Market Dynamics. Presentación (1 MB).
Lorenzo Caliendo (Yale University and NBER), Maximiliano Dvorkin (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis), and Fernando Parro (Federal Reserve Board)Discussant: Marcelo Olarreaga (University of Geneva)
Paper 2: How Do Regional Labor Markets Adjust to Immigration? A Dynamic Analysis for Post-war Germany (971 KB) How Do Regional Labor Markets Adjust to Immigration? A Dynamic Analysis for Post-war Germany. Presentación (676 KB)
Henning Weber (Deutsche Bundesbank) and Sebastian Till Braun, Kiel Institute for the World Economy)Discussant: Daniel Lederman (World Bank)
- 10:45h - 11:00h
- Coffee break
- 11:00h - 12:30h
Chair: Olympia Bover (Banco de España)
Paper 1: Long-term Direct and Spillover Effects of Vocational Training: Experimental Evidence from Colombia (133 KB). Long-term Direct and Spillover Effects of Vocational Training: Experimental Evidence from Colombia. Presentación (2 MB)
Adriana Kugler (Georgetown University), Maurice Kugler (IMPAQ), Juan Saavedra (University of Southern California), and Luis Omar Herrera (Inter American Development Bank)Discussant: Berk Ozler (World Bank) Berk Ozler. Presentación (394 KB)
Paper 2: Non-Contributory Health Insurance and Household Labor Supply: Evidence from Mexico (4 MB) Non-Contributory Health Insurance and Household Labor Supply: Evidence from Mexico. Presentación (4 MB)
Gabriella Conti (UCL and IFS), Rita Ginja (Uppsala University), and Renata Narita, (University of Sao Paulo)Discussant: Yuliya Kulikova (UAB and Banco de España) Yuliya Kulikova. Presentación (159 KB)
- 12:30h - 14:00h
Chair: Santiago Levy (Inter-American Development Bank)
- Augusto de la Torre (World Bank)
- David Card (University of Berkeley)
- Juan José Dolado (European University Institute) Juan José Dolado. Presentación (965 KB)
- Raymond Torres (International Labor Organization) Raymond Torres. Presentación (538 KB)
- 14:15h - 15:45h
- Informal Lunch (by invitation)
- 16:00h - 17:45h
Wage Inequality in Latin America: Trend and Puzzels (Joana Silva (World Bank), Julián Messina (Inter-american Development Bank) and Luis-Felipe Lopez Calva (World Bank)
- Chair: Pilar L'Hotellerie-Fallois (Banco de España)
- David Card (University of Berkeley)
- Adriana Kugler (Georgetown University)
- Santiago Levy (Inter-American Development Bank)
- Ángel Estrada (Banco de España)