First Banco de España Annual Research Conference

On August 31 and September 1 2017, Banco de España will host its First Annual Research Conference in its Madrid headquarters.

In much of the industrialized world, including the euro area, the macroeconomic landscape is characterized by sluggish growth, inflation persistently below target, low interest rates (including short-term nominal rates close to their effective lower bounds), and increasing risks to financial stability. Against this background, economic policy-makers, including fiscal, monetary and macroprudential authorities, face the formidable challenge of promoting a faster economic recovery and the return of inflation to its target level, while ensuring financial stability. The aim of the conference is to bring together world leading scholars and policy-makers in order to discuss the causes of these macroeconomic developments and the policy measures to address them. Tobias Adrian, Ricardo Caballero, Gauti Eggertsson, Emmanuel Farhi, Jesús Fernández-Villaverde, Jordi Galí, Nobuhiro Kiyotaki, Morten Ravn, Tano Santos and Frank Smets have already confirmed their participation.

More generally, our Annual Research Conference is aimed at becoming Banco de España’s flagship research conference, and at reaffirming Banco de España’s commitment to research as an indispensable tool for improving economic policy-making.

Attendance: By invitation only.



31 Agosto

1 Septiembre

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