On 3-4 September 2018, the Banco de España will be hosting its Second Annual Research Conference at its Madrid headquarters. This year the conference will be in conjunction with IFS, London, and the theme will be Taxes and Transfers.
3 September
- 09:30h - 09:45h
- Pablo Hernández de Cos (Governor of the Banco de España)
- 09:45h - 11:45h
Chair: Richard Blundell (University College London, IFS)
Taxation and Innovation in the 20th Century
Stefanie Stantcheva (Harvard University)
Stefanie Stantcheva Presentation (56 MB)
Discussant: Miguel Almunia (University of Warwick)
Miguel Almunia Discussion (509 KB)Capitalists in the 21st century
Owen Zidar (Princeton University)
Discussant: Claudio Michelacci (EIEF)
Claudio Michelacci Discussion (1 MB)
- 12:15h - 13:15h
Chair: Javier Pérez (Banco de España)
Inequality, Business Cycles and Fiscal-Monetary Policy
Mikhail Golosov (University of Chicago)
Mikhail Golosov Presentation (356 KB)
Discussant: Morten Ravn (University College London)
Morten Ravn Discussion (823 KB)
- 14:30h - 16:30h
Chair: Monica Costa-Dias (IFS)
Mirrlees meets Diamond-Mirrlees: Simplifying Nonlinear Income Taxation
Florian Scheuer (University of Zurich)
Florian Scheuer Presentation (5 MB)
Discussant: Nicola Pavoni (Bocconi University)
Nicola Pavoni Discussion (187 KB)Taxation and the Extensive Margin of Labor Supply: The Effect of the EITC Reconsidered
Henrik Kleven (Princeton University)
Discussant: Dominik Sachs (University of Munich)
- 17:00h - 18:00h
Chair: José María Labeaga (UNED)
Tax design in the alcohol market
Rachel Griffith (University of Manchester, IFS)
Rachel Griffith Presentation (1 MB)
Discussant: Noriko Amano (Yale University)
Noriko Amano Discussion (1 MB)
4 September
- 09:00h - 11:00h
Chair: Nezih Guner (CEMFI)
Deconstructing Idiosyncratic Income Risk
Kjetil Storesletten (University of Oslo)
Discussant: Manuel Arellano (CEMFI)
Manuel Arellano Discussion (149 KB)Optimal Progressivity with Age-Dependent Taxation
Gianluca Violante (Princeton University)
Gianluca Violante Presentation (407 KB)
Discussant: Andrés Erosa (UC3M)
Andrés Erosa Discussion (413 KB)
- 11:30h - 13:30h
Chair: Olympia Bover (Banco de España)
Optimal Taxation in Occupational Choice Models: An Application to the Work Decisions of Couples
Guy Laroque (Sciences-Po)
Guy Laroque Presentation (588 KB)
Discussant: Laurens Cherchye (KU Leuven University)
Laurens Cherchye Discussion (52 KB)Employment and Welfare Consequences of Short Time Work Programs
Camille Landais (London School of Economics)
Camille Landais Presentation (1 MB)
Discussant: Monica Costa-Dias (IFS)
Monica Costa-Dias Discussion (144 KB)
- 14:30h - 15:30h
Chair: Rachel Griffith (University of Manchester, IFS)
How Should Taxes be Designed to Encourage Entrepreneurship?
Roger Gordon (University of California San Diego)
Roger Gordon Presentation (142 KB)
Discussant: David López (Banco de España)
David López Discussion (114 KB)
- 16:00h - 18:00h
Chair: Óscar Arce (Banco de España)
Richard Blundell (University College London, IFS)
Richard Blundell Discussion (1 MB)
Roger Gordon (University of California San Diego)
Roger Gordon Discussion (60 KB)
Vitor Gaspar (International Monetary Fund)
Vitor Gaspar Discussion (976 KB)
Gaetan Nicodeme (European Commission)