22 Noviembre
- 10:00h - 10:50h
The Management of the Pandemic and its Effects on Trust and Accountability (Mónica Martínez-Bravo and Carlos Sanz)
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Mónica Martínez-Bravo (CEMFI)
- 10:50h - 11:40h
A production network model for the Spanish economy with an application to the impact of NGEU funds (Alejandro Fernández-Cerezo, Enrique Moral and Javier Quintana)
Javier Quintana (Banco de España)
- 11:40h - 12:00h
- Pausa
- 12:00h - 12:50h
GDP Solera. Ideal Vintage Mix (Martín Almuzara, Dante Amengual, Gabriele Fiorentini and Enrique Sentana)
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Enrique Sentana (CEMFI)
- 12:50h - 13:40h
Macroprudential FX Regulations: Sacrificing Small Firms for Stability?
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María Alejandra Amado (Banco de España)