27 Abril
- 10:00h - 10:50h
Quantifying the Role of Firms in Intergenerational Mobility
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(C. Dobbin and T. Zohar)
Tom Zohar (CEMFI)
- 10:50h - 11:40h
The Unequal Consequences of Job Loss across Countries
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(A. Bertheau, E. Acabbi, C. Barceló, A. Gulyas, S. Lombardi and R. Saggio)
Cristina Barceló (Banco de España)
- 11:40h - 12:00h
- Coffee break
- 12:00h - 12:50h
Heterogeneity of Consumption Responses to Income Shocks in the Presence of Nonlinear Persistence
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(M. Arellano, R. Blundell, S. Bonhomme and J. Light)
Manuel Arellano (CEMFI)
- 12:00h - 12:50h
Do Teams Alleviate or Exacerbate Behavioral Biases? Evidence from Extrapolation Bias in Mutual Funds
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(R. Barahona, S. Castella and K. A. E. Jansen)
Ricardo Barahona (Banco de España)