This term is applied to any reproduction of a legitimate banknote that tries to simulate its characteristics and has been fraudulently produced or altered.
Coin National Analysis Centre (CNAC)
As in the case of banknotes, each EU Member State has established a Coin National Analysis Centre (CNAC) for the collection and classification of false euro coins at national scale. In Spain, the CNAC is located within the Banco de España (Cash and Issue Department). The CNAC identifies each type of presumedly false coins and transmits all the new types of false coins that appear to the European Technical and Scientific Centre (ETSC).
Counterfeit class
A certain type of counterfeit banknotes. The following classes are distinguished in the case of counterfeit euro banknotes: local classes, formed by the counterfeit banknotes that appear in a certain country within the euro area; and common classes, formed by banknotes which have appeared in several countries within the euro area.
Process of selecting banknotes by their state of use. This process classifies used banknotes into those suitable and not suitable for circulation.
CMS (Counterfeit Monitoring System)
Computer software used by the European Central Bank and the national central banks to manage the information relating to counterfeit euro banknotes and coins detected in European Union countries.
Colour photocopier
A machine which allows us to photocopy images in colour. The machine divides an image into colour squares by means of colour-sensitive high-resolution photoelectric cell rows and prints it using the four-colour reproduction principle. The quality of colour copies is becoming increasingly higher, in such a manner that in some cases the difference with the original is difficult to detect. At times the use of a magnifying glass is required.
"Banknotes and coins in circulation that are commonly used to make payments. It includes the banknotes issued by the Eurosystem and the coins issued by the Member States. The currency in circulation as included in monetary aggregate M3 refers only to banknotes and coins in circulation that are held outside the MFI sector (as it appears in the consolidated balance sheet of the MFIs, meaning that the currency issued and held by the MFIs or ""vault cash"" has been subtracted). Excluded are central banks' stocks of own banknotes (as they have not been issued), and collector coins that are not used to make payments."
This is the reproduction of a document or security feature with the intention of deceiving the public. A counterfeit euro banknote is understood to be a banknote that appears to be a euro banknote and has been fraudulently produced or altered. In Spain, money counterfeiting is an offence included in the Penal Code.
Cash recycling machine
A device installed in a financial institution and used by the client, that works as an isolated unit, with the capacity to receive, process and dispense banknotes.
Consignment of banknotes
The transport of banknotes from one place (initial) to another (final). The Banco de España makes dispatches or consignments of euro banknotes and coins between its head offices in Madrid and its network of branch offices distributed throughout Spain. It also sends consignments of euro banknotes to other national central banks of the Eurosystem.