Fifth Banco de España Annual Research Conference

On December 1st and 2nd 2022, Banco de España hosted its Fifth Annual Research Conference in its Madrid headquarters.

The pandemic caused by COVID-19 had a very deep and significant impact on economic relationships, especially on international trade, social and employment policies, technological developments, and the macroeconomic context. Against this background, economic researchers and policy-makers were coming to terms with the duration of these changes and assessing how permanent they would be. The aim of the conference was to bring together world leading scholars and policy-makers in order to discuss the medium to long-run consequences of the pandemic and the policy measures to address them. Pol Antrás, Nytia Pandalai-Nayar, Richard Blundell, Antonella Trigari, Karel Mertens, Paul Mizen, Luca Fornaro, and Michael Weber were some of the distinguished researchers who participated in the conference.

More generally, our Annual Research Conference is aimed at becoming Banco de España’s flagship research conference, and at reaffirming Banco de España’s commitment to research as an indispensable tool for improving economic policy-making.



1 December

2 December

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