The national central banks are the sole subscribers to and holders of the capital of the European Central Bank (ECB).
The percentage share of each national central bank in the ECB’s total capital is determined in accordance with Article 29 of the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank, on the basis of the respective country’s share in the total population of the EU and in its gross domestic product. It is adjusted every five years and whenever a country joins the EU.
The subscribed capital of the ECB amounts to €10,825,007,069.61.
The portion paid up by the euro area national central banks amounts €8,875,217,621.22, broken down as follows:
Country | Percentage of capital % | Capital paid up (€) |
Austria | 2.4175 | 261,694,545.91 |
Belgium | 3.0005 | 324,804,337.12 |
Croatia | 0.6329 | 68,511,469.74 |
Cyprus | 0.1802 | 19,506,662.74 |
Estonia | 0.2437 | 26,380,542.23 |
Finland | 1.4853 | 160,783,830.00 |
France | 16.3575 | 1,770,700,531.41 |
Germany | 21.7749 | 2,357,134,464.40 |
Greece | 1.8474 | 199,981,180.60 |
Ireland | 1.7811 | 192,804,200.92 |
Italy | 13.0993 | 1,418,000,151.07 |
Latvia | 0.3169 | 34,304,447.40 |
Lithuania | 0.4826 | 52,241,484.12 |
Luxembourg | 0.2976 | 32,215,221.04 |
Malta | 0.1053 | 11,398,732.44 |
Netherlands | 4.8306 | 522,912,791.50 |
Portugal | 1.9014 | 205,826,684.42 |
Slovakia | 0.9403 | 101,787,541.48 |
Slovenia | 0.4041 | 43,743,853.57 |
Spain | 9.6690 | 1,046,669,933.56 |
Total1 | 81,7681 | 8,851,402,605,67.22 |
1 The total may not match the sum of all figures shown owing to rounding.
The non-euro area national central banks are required to pay up a small percentage of their share in the subscribed capital of the ECB as a contribution to the operational costs incurred by the ECB in relation to their participation in the ESCB.
Since 29 December 2010, their contributions have represented 3.75% of their total share in the subscribed capital and amounts to €74.010.167,40, broken down as follows:
Country | Percentage of capital % | Capital paid up (€) |
Bulgaria | 0.9783 | 3,971,289.16 |
Czech Republic | 1.9623 | 7,965,716.76 |
Denmark | 1.7797 | 7,224,474.41 |
Hungary | 1.5819 | 6,421,529.51 |
Poland | 6.0968 | 24,749,213.16 |
Romania | 2.8888 | 11,726,730.16 |
Sweden | 2.9441 | 11,951,213.74 |
Total1 | 18.2319 | 74,010,167.44 |
1 The total may not match the sum of all figures shown owing to rounding.
The non-euro area national central banks are not entitled to receive any share of the distributable profits of the ECB, nor are they liable to fund any its losses.