The EU-MERCOSUR free trade agreement: main features and economic impact

The EU-MERCOSUR free trade agreement: main features and economic impact

Series: Analytical Articles.

Author: Jacopo Timini and Francesca Viani.

Topics: European Union | Spain | International Economy | Economic situation.

Full document

The EU-MERCOSUR free trade agreement: main features and economic impact (383 KB)


This article describes the main characteristics of the trade agreement reached between the European Union (EU) and the Common Market of the South (MERCOSUR) in 2019 and presents estimates of its possible impact on trade and GDP in the two areas.
It is an ambitious agreement involving the full liberalisation of almost all of the goods trade between the two blocs, facilitating the provision of services and the reduction of non-tariff barriers, and envisaging reciprocal liberalisation of public procurement. Similarly, it includes provisions on the protection of the environment and workers’ rights.
The agreement’s estimated effects on trade and economic activity will be significant for MERCOSUR. The impact for the EU will be more modest, yet always positive, since trade with MERCOSUR is less significant for EU members. Spain is among the EU member countries whose economies will benefit most from the agreement.

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