Resultados de la encuesta de satisfacción de usuarios de las estadísticas del Banco de España 2023

Series: Statistical Notes. 21.
Author: Javier Jareño, Cristina Fernández, Esther Martín, Raquel Martínez and Higinio Vargas.
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In November 2023, a new edition of the user satisfaction survey for the statistics of the Banco de España was launched. The previous edition was conducted in the early months of 2018. On that occasion, the results were very favourable, although it was noted that there was the most room for improvement in the aspects of statistical dissemination. In the five years between the two editions, various efforts have been made to improve this aspect of dissemination, so it was appropriate to evaluate the progress made. The balance of the current edition has been very positive: significant advances have been recorded compared to 2018 in user ratings in both production and statistical dissemination aspects, with improvements around 10 percentage points. This time, additionally, the evaluation of the different dissemination formats used to publish the statistical information of the Banco de España was requested. The conclusion is that the more traditional dissemination products are highly valued, while the more recent ones do not receive as much support, and their level of awareness is not very high. Also new in this edition is a separate analysis of users belonging to the media.