Una taxonomía de actividades sostenibles para Europa

Una taxonomía de actividades sostenibles para Europa

Series: Occasional Papers. 2101.

Author: Luna Azahara Romo González.

Full document

Una taxonomía de actividades sostenibles para Europa (556 KB)


The EU Taxonomy for sustainable activities was created with the goal of becoming a crosssectional law for all current and future EU regulations on sustainable finance. The initial
proposal for an EU Taxonomy was in 2018, and the final regulation, containing its basic
principles and foundations, was released in June 2020. In this article I describe the main
characteristics of the taxonomy: how it works, its influence on the future EU Green Bond
Standard and its foreseeable future development. I also reflect on the importance of the
EU Taxonomy for Central Banks from the standpoint of their investments, the relevance
of the Taxonomy for the EU and sustainable finance, and the benefits it entails and the
challenges it poses if companies and investors are to use it. Ultimately, a successful
implementation of the Taxonomy will be key to Europe achieving its ambitious climate
and environmental objectives and to future generations enjoying a more sustainable and
habitable world.

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