El interés por la innovación financiera en España. Un análisis con Google Trends

El interés por la innovación financiera en España. Un análisis con Google Trends

Series: Occasional Papers. 2112.

Author: José Manuel Carbó and Esther Diez García.

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El interés por la innovación financiera en España. Un análisis con Google Trends (1 MB)


This paper examines the differences in interest in financial innovation-related concepts in Spain. We conduct our analysis using Google Trends. This tool enables the intensity of search for a specific term in the Google search engine to be analysed. While the tool does not show searches in absolute terms, it is useful for understanding the relative differences between terms and regions. The results suggest there are differences between Spain’s regions, although these vary depending on the category of financial innovation concerned. The difference is much greater in terms relating to regulation and new technologies applied to sustainable financing, while it is virtually non-existent in the cryptocurrencies and payment means categories. Among the factors that may explain these results, we identify income and age as possible determinants of inter-regional differences. These results may prove useful with a view to developing financial education programmes and to better directing efforts towards those regulatory initiatives in the digital area where the disparity in interest and knowledge may be greater.

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