This rate reflects the wholesale euro unsecured overnight borrowing costs of deposit-taking institutions located in the euro area. The €STR is calculated and published by the European Central bank (ECB). It is also used to calculate the €STR-based reference rate for the mortgage market; this rate is defined as the compounded average rate on the last TARGET2 business day of each month for different tenors (one week, one month, three months, six months and twelve months) that the ECB calculates on the basis of the €STR and publishes through its Statistical Data Warehouse (SDW), or via any other platform, as the case may be.
The weighted average of the bilateral exchange rates for the euro and the currencies of the euro area's main trading partners. The European Central Bank publishes the nominal effective exchange rates for the euro in relation to two groups of trading partners: The EER-22, made up of the 12 Member States of the European Union that do not belong to the euro area, and the 10 main trading partners outside the EU; and the EER-42, made up of the EER-22 and a further 20 countries. The weightings used reflect the share of each partner in euro-area trade, as well as their competition in third markets. Real effective exchange rates are nominal effective exchange rates deflated by a weighted average of external costs or prices in relation to prices or costs inside the euro area. As such, they are measurements of competitiveness in terms of prices and costs.
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