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  • MFI net external assets
    The external assets of the euro area MFI sector (such as gold, coins and banknotes in foreign currency, securities issued by non-residents in the euro area and loans granted to non-residents in the area) minus the external liabilities of the euro area MFI sector (such as non-euro area residents' holdings of deposits, repurchase agreements, money market funds and securities other than shares issued by MFIs with a maturity of up to and including two years).
  • MFI consolidated balance sheet
    The balance sheet obtained by excluding the positions between MFIs that appear in the aggregated sector balance sheet (such as, for example, loans and deposits between MFIs). It offers statistical information on the assets and liabilities of the MFI sector as opposed to euro area residents that do not belong to this sector (that is, general governments and other residents) and non-residents. The consolidated balance sheet is the main source of statistical information for the calculation of monetary aggregates and is the basis for the regular analysis of the counterparties of M3.
  • Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs)
    A term established by the Eurosystem for the group of financial institutions resident in the euro area, considered to be issuers of money. The term MFI includes the Eurosystem (ECB and national central banks), euro area resident credit institutions and all other resident financial institutions (predominantly, specialised credit institutions and money market funds), whose business is to receive deposits or close substitutes and, for their own account, to grant credit or to invest in securities.
    The Spanish interbank interest rate that was the most commonly used reference rate for mortgage loans until the creation of the Euribor in 2000.
  • MFI longer-term financial liabilities
    Deposits with an agreed maturity of over two years, deposits redeemable at a period of notice of over three months, debt securities issued by euro area MFIs with an original maturity of more than two years and the capital and reserves of the euro area MFI sector.
  • Monetary Financial Institutions interest rate

    The interest rate applied by credit institutions and other resident Monetary Financial Institutions, excluding central banks and money market funds, to deposits and loans denominated in euro provided to households and non-financial corporations that are resident in the euro area.

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