Financial Education School Contest
Banco de España, together with Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business, is the promoter of the Financial Education Plan.
The Financial Education School Contest is an initiative of the Financial Education Plan aimed at promoting financial literacy among the younger population of our country. It consists of a quiz game with multiple-choice questions on economic and financial issues, developed in three elimination phases: an online phase, a face-to-face phase, and the Grand Final.
The requirement to participate is to be enrolled in the Financial Education School Programme, which offers free educational materials to teachers of any discipline and course who want to introduce financial competencies transversally in the classroom. Participation in the Contest is voluntary.
The 2024-2025 edition of the Contest has two categories:
- Cadet, for students in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year of lower secondary education.
- Youth, for students in the 4th year of lower secondary education, higher secondary education, and Intermediate Vocational Training.
The online phase of the 2024-2025 edition will be held on Wednesday, April 9, 2025. The top eight qualifiers in each category will advance to the face-to-face phase, which will be held during the second half of September 2025.
The Grand Final will take place on October 6, 2025, during the central event of Financial Education Day.
This informational poster shows the most relevant aspects of the Contest.
For more information and to register, visit the Finanzas Para Todos website
Generation €uro Students’ Award
Banco de España, aware of the importance of understanding the Eurosystem and the monetary policy of the European Central Bank, launched the 14th edition of the Generation €uro competition last October.
The main objective of the competition is to raise awareness of the Eurosystem’s monetary policy and its role as a guarantor of price stability, and to encourage schools, teachers and students to participate in activities relating to economic and financial education.
Teams qualified for the Final of the 14th edition 18/02/2025
Ya conocemos a los tres equipos finalistas, pertenecientes a los centros
- Liceo Español Cervantes (Roma)
- IES Severo Ochoa (Granada)
- Colegio Alemán (Madrid)
Minutes(182 KB)
Teams qualified for the second phase of the 14th edition05/11/2024
78 teams representing 36 educational centers qualified.
Press releases(166 KB)