Banco de España
- “El efectivo es el medio de pago más usado por los españoles"
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- In 2021 only 17 counterfeit banknotes per million genuine euro banknotes in circulation were detected in Spain
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- Finalizan las obras de construcción de la nueva planta industrial de IMBISA
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- Nueva Dirección General de Conducta Financiera y Billetes
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- El periodo para cambiar las antiguas pesetas se amplía seis meses, hasta el 30 de junio de 2021
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- Less than four months remain to exchange pesetas for euro at the Banco de España
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- Information sessions on the Europa series €50 banknote
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- IMBISA incorporated to produce euro banknotes in Spain
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- Seminar on the Europa series €20 banknote
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- Jornadas informativas sobre el billete de 10 euros de la serie Europa
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- El próximo 30 de junio finaliza el período de canje gratuito de pesetas por euros en las entidades de crédito (26 de junio de 2002)
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- Exposición fotográfica del euro en el Banco de España (12 de junio de 2002)
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- El Banco de España canjea en 23 de sus sucursales billetes de los otros paises de la zona euro hasta final de marzo de 2002 (14 de marzo de 2002)
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- Mañana finaliza el periodo de doble circulación del euro y la peseta (27 de febrero de 2002)
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- Puesta en circulación de euros hasta el 31 de enero. Texto (1 de febrero de 2002)
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- Puesta en circulación de euros hasta el 31 de enero. Cuadro (1 de febrero de 2002)
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- El Banco de España ha distribuido billetes y monedas por valor de 15.006 millones de euros hasta el 3 de enero (4 de enero de 2002)
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- Los elementos de seguridad de los billetes en euros (4 de enero de 2002)
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- El Banco de España canjeará billetes de los otros paises de la zona euro hasta el 31 de marzo de 2002 (3 de enero de 2002)
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- Los ciudadanos reciben al euro con enorme interés y total normalidad (1 de enero de 2002)
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- El 85% de los cajeros automáticos de las grandes entidades de crédito ya ofrecen euros (1 de enero de 2002)
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- El camino hacia el euro. El real, el escudo y la peseta (16 de octubre de 2001)
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- El Banco Central Europeo y el Banco de España lanzan su campaña informativa sobre billetes y monedas en euros (17 de septiembre de 2001)
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European Central Bank
- International use of the euro remained stable in 2021
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- ECB reports on EU countries’ progress towards euro adoption
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- Euro banknote counterfeiting at historically low level in 2021
- ECB to redesign euro banknotes by 2024
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- Euro banknote counterfeiting at historically low level in 2020
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- 02.12.2020 Gradual change seen in euro area payment behaviour
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- 02.10.2020 ECB intensifies its work on a digital euro
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- 26.07.2019 Euro banknote counterfeiting decreased further in the first half of 2019
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- 28.05.2019 New €100 and €200 banknotes start circulating today
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- 25.01.2019 Euro banknote counterfeiting decreased further and remained low in the second half of 2018
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- 27.07.2018 Biannual information on euro banknote counterfeiting
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- 26.01.2018 Biannual information on euro banknote counterfeiting
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- 21.07.2017 Biannual information on euro banknote counterfeiting
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- 04.04.2017 New €50 banknote starts circulating today
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- 27.01.2017 Biannual information on euro banknote counterfeiting
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- 22.07.2016 Biannual information on euro banknote counterfeiting
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- Eurosystem prepares introduction of the new €50 banknote
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- ECB ends production and issuance of €500 banknote
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- 22.01.2016.Biannual information on euro banknote counterfeiting
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- New €20 banknote starts circulating on 25 November 2015
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- 2.8 million shops and small businesses to receive leaflets on the new €20
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- 23.07.2015 ECB and partners sign memorandum of understanding on new €20 banknote
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- 17.07.2015. Biannual information on euro banknote counterfeiting
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- 24.02.2015. New €20 banknote unveiled in Frankfurt today
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- 23.01.2015. Biannual information on euro banknote counterfeiting
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- Eurosystem to unveil the new €20 and support banknote equipment manufacturers and suppliers
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- New €10 banknote starts circulating on 23 September 2014
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- 18.07.2014. Biannual information on euro banknote counterfeiting
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- 13.01.2014. Biannual information on euro banknote counterfeiting
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- 13.01.2014. Eurosystem unveils the Europa Series €10 Banknote
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- ECB launches online competition related to new €10 banknote
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- 26.11.2013-Eurosystem will introduce new €10 banknote in 2014
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- 26.11.2013-The new €10
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- 19.07.2013-Biannual information on euro banknote counterfeiting
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- 30.04.2013- Europa series €5 banknote to be issued as of 2 May 2013
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- 25.03.2013- Inauguration of the exhibition “The New Face of the Euro” at the Banco de España
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- 10.01.2013. Biannual information on Euro banknote counterfeiting
(28 KB)
- 10.01.2013. Eurosystem unveils the Europa Series €5 Banknote
(19 KB)
- 16.07.2012. Biannual information on euro banknote counterfeiting
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- 16.01.2012. Biannual information on euro banknote counterfeiting
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- 02.12.2011. 2nd International Conference on the Protection of the euro against counterfeiting
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- 18.07.2011. Biannual information on euro banknote counterfeiting
(19 KB)
- 17.01.2011. Esti Pank joins the central bank gold agreement
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- 17.01.2011. Biannual information on euro banknote counterfeiting
(24 KB)
- 03.01.2011. Estonia joins the euro area
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- 03.01.2011. Euro banknotes and coins have been successfully introduced in Estonia
(18 KB)
- 19.07.2010. Biannual information on euro banknote counterfeiting
- 11.01.2010. Biannual information on euro banknote counterfeiting
- 13.07.2009. Biannual information on euro banknote counterfeiting
- 12.01.2009. Biannual information on euro banknote counterfeiting
- 02.01.2009. Euro banknotes and coins successfully introduced in Slovakia
- 01.01.2009. Slovakia joins the euro area
- 10.07.2008. Biannual information on euro banknote counterfeiting
- 10.01.2008. Biannual information on euro banknote counterfeiting
- 03.01.2008. The euro cash changeover in Cyprus and Malta
- 01.01.2008. Cyprus and Malta join the euro area
- 11.07.2007. Biannual information on euro banknote counterfeiting
- 16.01.2007. Finalisation of the euro cash changeover in Slovenia
- 12.01.2007. Biannual information on euro banknote counterfeiting
- 03.01.2007. The euro cash changeover in Slovenia
- 02.01.2007. Slovenia joins the euro area
- 13.07.2006. Biannual information on euro banknote counterfeiting
- 13.01.2006. Biannual information on euro banknote counterfeiting
- 15.07.2005. Biannual information on euro banknote counterfeiting
- 13.01.2005. Biannual information on euro banknote counterfeiting
- 06.01.2005. Framework for the detection of counterfeits and fitness sorting of euro banknotes by credit institutions and professional cash handlers
- 18.11.2004. The Governing Council of the ECB decides not to introduce very low denomination euro banknotes
- 22.10.2004. Rules on the future procurement of euro banknotes
- 22.07.2004. Biannual information on euro banknote counterfeiting
- 03.05.2004. Signing of the agreement between the European Central Bank and Interpol
- 22.01.2004. Biannual information on euro banknote counterfeiting
- 16.07.2003. Biannual information on euro banknote counterfeiting
- 23.01.2003. Biannual information on euro banknote counterfeiting
- 31.07.2002. Biannual information on euro banknote counterfeiting
- 24.04.2002. Evaluation of the 2002 cash changeover
- 18.01.2002. Update on the euro cash changeover