Interactive infographic on Financial Accounts of the Spanish Economy

This visualization presents data from the Financial Accounts of the Spanish Economy (CFEE), which respond to the user's choices between transactions and stocks for different frequencies, by sector and instrument, and for different balance sheet items. It also includes information on the consolidated debt of the non-financial private sectors of the economy.

All financial accounts time series can be found in the thematic area of financial accounts of the Banco de España website.

This graph shows the stocks and transactions, both in amount and as a percentage of GDP, between the different sectors of the Spanish economy being able to filter by balance sheet item (assets, liabilities and net amount) and instrument.


Type of data


Balance item

Financial instrument

Consult all data used for this graph from the BIEST application in the following link.

This graph shows the composition by instrument of the Spanish financial accounts, being able to filter by sector and balance sheet item (assets, liabilities and net amount).



Balance item

Consult all data used for this graph from the BIEST application in the following link.

This graph shows the consolidated debt of Spanish non-financial companies and households, being able to select the magnitudes of balances and transactions both in amount and as a percentage of GDP.


Type of data


Consult all data used for this graph from the BIEST application in the following link.


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