October 2022 bank lending survey in Spain

October 2022 bank lending survey in Spain

Series: Analytical Articles.

Author: Álvaro Menéndez Pujadas and Maristela Mulino.

Topics: Spain | Monetary policy | Economic situation | Financial analysis.

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October 2022 bank lending survey in Spain (674 KB)


According to the Bank Lending Survey, in 2022 Q3 credit standards and loan terms and conditions tightened across the board, both in Spain and in the euro area as a whole, with the loans to households for house purchase segment seeing the most pronounced tightening. Meanwhile, loan applications in virtually all the categories declined in both areas. These developments unfolded against a backdrop of higher risks associated with the deterioration in the economic outlook and of monetary policy normalisation, which is translating into an increase in the cost of funds. This setting has also affected expectations for Q4, with banks expecting the contraction in loan supply to continue and demand to decline in all the segments analysed.

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