Series: Financial Stability Review.
Author: Banco de España.
Full document
Details of the Financial Stability Review. Issue 38. Spring 2020
- BigTech “banks”, financial stability and regulation. Jorge Padilla 333 KB
- Taxonomy of the Spanish FinTech ecosystem and the drivers of FinTechs’ performance. Santiago Carbó, Pedro J. Cuadros-Solas and Francisco Rodríguez-Fernández 591 KB
- FinTech: data and data collection challenges. Jara Quintanero, Román Santos, Ana Fernández Bedoya and Auxi Moreno 473 KB
- The outlook for the digitalisation of Spanish banks: risks and opportunities. Carolina Toloba and José Miguel del Río 445 KB
- The Banco de España in-house credit assessment system. Sergio Gavilá, Alfredo Maldonado and Antonio Marcelo 549 KB
- Euro risk-free interest rates: the transition from EONIA to €STR. Inmaculada Álvarez and Pablo Lago 625 KB