Series: Financial Stability Review.
Author: Banco de España.
Full document
Details of the Financial Stability Review. Issue 36. Spring 2019
- The Single Banking Resolution Mechanism. Antonio Carrascosa 218 KB
- FROB in the restructuring of the Spanish banking system. Where it stands after a decade of activity (2009-2019) and considerations for the Banking Union. Jaime Ponce 470 KB
- Resolution planning for credit institutions in Spain and in the euro area. Miguel Kruse and Iván Fernández 392 KB
- Central clearing counterparties: benefits, costs and risks. Soledad Núñez and Eva Valdeolivas 844 KB
- Presentation of the High-Level Conference «The new bank provisioning standards: implementationchallenges and financial stability implications». Rafael Repullo, Fernando Restoy and Jesús Saurina 120 KB
- New loan provisioning standards and procyclicality. Claudio Borio 128 KB
- Provisioning Models vs. Prudential Models. Juan Carlos García Céspedes 482 KB
- Unveiling the expected loss model in IFRS 9 and Circular 4/2017. Jorge Pallarés and Carlos J. Rodríguez García 490 KB