Series: Working Papers. 1425.
Author: Máximo Camacho and Jaime Martínez-Martín.
Published in: Empirical Economics, Springer, vol. 47(1), pages 347-364, August.
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We show that the single-index dynamic factor model developed by Aruoba and Diebold (Am Econ Rev, 100:20-24, 2010) to construct an index of US business cycle conditions is also very useful for forecasting US GDP growth in real time. In addition, we adapt the model to include survey data and financial indicators. We find that our extension is unequivocally the preferred alternative for computing backcasts. In nowcasting and forecasting, our model is able to forecast growth as well as AD and better than several baseline alternatives. Finally, we show that our extension could also be used to infer US business cycles with great accuracy.