67 results found with the selected filters
Governor. Sveriges Riksbank Symposium on Central Bank Independence
Pannel “Central bank independence and policy coordination in a globalised world” in the International Symposium on Central Bank Independence organized in honor of Stefan Ingves by the Sveriges Riksbank.
Gobernador. Sixth ESRB annual conference: “Addressing Financial Stability Challenges”
El gobernador modera el panel “Navigating through a storm: policy challenges in the current macro-economic environment” en la sexta conferencia anual del European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB).
Gobernador. XXVII Encuentro de Economía en S’Agaró
Intervención del gobernador, Pablo Hernández de Cos, en el debate “Mirada ibérica”, junto con Mário José Gomes de Freitas Centeno, gobernador del Banco de Portugal.