2nd Banco de España and Banco de Portugal Conference on Labour Markets

The II Banco de Portugal and Banco de España Conference on Labour Economics was held in Madrid, May 21-22, 2024.

The conference aimed at bringing together leading economists to discuss research on labour markets including topics such as productivity, inflation and wages and the impact of labour market institutions.

Elena Pastorino (Stanford University) and Lucas Karabarbounis (University of Minnesota) acted as keynote speakers.



21 May

    • 09:30h - 10:00h
    • Hugo Reis (Banco de Portugal) and Carlos Thomas (Banco de España)
    • 10:00h - 11:00h
    • Job security and liquid wealth

      Speaker: Ana Figueiredo File PDF: Opens in new window (3 MB) (VU Amsterdam)

      Discussant: Hugo Reis (Banco de Portugal)

    • 11:00h - 11:30h
    • Coffee break
    • 11:30h - 13:30h
    • Heterogeneity and hysteresis

      Speaker: Mike Elsby (University of Edinburgh)

      Discussant: Diego Puga (CEMFI)

      Who pays for training? Theory and evidence on firm-level differences in training investments

      Speaker: Daniela Vidart File PDF: Opens in new window (1 MB) (University of Connecticut)

      Discussant: Josep Pijoan File PDF: Opens in new window (201 KB) (CEMFI)

    • 13:30h - 15:00h
    • Lunch break
    • 17:00h - 18:00h
    • Revisiting the employment effects of the Americans with disabilities act

      Elena Pastorino File PDF: Opens in new window (1 MB) (Stanford University)

22 May

    • 10:00h - 11:00h
    • On the asymmetrical sensitivity of the distribution of real wages to business cycle fluctuations

      Speaker: Pedro Portugal (Banco de Portugal)

      Discussant: Siqi Wei File PDF: Opens in new window (375 KB) (IE)

    • 11:00h - 11:30h
    • Coffee break
    • 12:30h - 13:30h
    • Minimum wages and labor markets in the twin cities

      Speaker: Loukas Karabarbounis (University of Minnesota)

    • 13:30h - 13:30h
    • Light lunch
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