Inclusion of Households and NPISH’s loans to Non-monetary financial institutions in table 9.24 and republication of tables 9.4, 9.14 y 9.24 of the Statistical Bulletin
Chapter 9. Non-monetary financial institutions, except insurance corporations and pension funds
Table 9.24 incorporates an additional counterpart within the loans received by Non-Monetary Financial Institutions. These are the loans granted to them by Households and Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households (NPISH). Essentially, they correspond to the guarantees deposited by Households and NPISH in Non-Monetary Financial Institutions. This instrument is included in the category of loans according to the European System of Accounts 2010 (section 5.136, letter d).
Additionally, there have been revisions in the information of tables 9.4, 9.14, and 9.24, with respect to the data published on September 9, 2024.