Discontinuation of tables 23.5 Gross domestic production and consumption of primary energy and 23.20 Investment in industry (excluding construction): opinion surveys. Spain, of the Statistical Bulletin

Chapter 23. National Accounts, output and demand

In order to maintain relevance and currency in the dissemination of information, tables 23.5 and 23.20, which dealt with primary energy production and consumption and investment in industry respectively, have been deleted. This is because the original data sources no longer carry out these statistical operations.

Replacing the content previously presented in table 23.5, data on electricity generation and demand can be found in table 23.6Opens in new window 'Electricity: Generation and Demand'.

As far as data on the situation and prospects in industry are concerned, these can be found in tables 23.16 to 23.19 of the Statistical Bulletin (available in the subsection 'Business survey and Industrial investment survey', within the 'Output and demand' section of the 'General Economic Statistics').

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