What is an iCalendar and how to subscribe?

Information included in each electronic calendar

The iCalendar files (or electronic calendars) published by the Banco de España contain the planned publication dates, for the current year, of the statistics that the Banco de España disseminates throug its website.

All thematic areas have a specific calendar, with the dates of the publications of each area. Additionally, a complete calendar is also provided, covering publications in all subject thematic areas.

Each release has the following information:

  • Statistic and period to which it relates
  • Date and time of release
  • Frequency of release
  • Link to data release

How to subscribe to an electronic calendar

The electronic calendars provided follow the iCalendar standard and can be integrated with most calendar applications, including: Google Calendar, Outlook, Yahoo, Mozilla Thunderbird, Simbra, Apple Ical, etc. Therefore, it is recommended to link the agenda with the calendar of interest (whether for a specific area or for all statistics), so that it can be automatically updated  when new events are added.

Outlook users can subscribe to the calendar of interest through the following steps:

1. Copy the link URL with the Copy link address option from the mouse context menu.

Copiar dirección del enlace

2. In the Outlook calendar, open the open calendar option from the context menu: Open calendar>From the Internet...

Copiar dirección del enlace

3. Paste the address of the iCalendar copied in step 1 (in our example: https://www.bde.es/webbe/en/estadisticas/compartido/calendario/ics/calendario-tipos-interes.icsOpens in new window), in the dialog box that appears (New internet calendar subscription):

Copiar dirección del enlace

Note that if, the ics file is opened in Outlook instead of linked as explained in the previous steps, Outlook will also import all publication dates, but they will not be automatically updated in case there is a change in the calendar.

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     Monday to Friday, from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
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