Series: Financial Stability Review.
Author: Banco de España.
Full document
Details of the Financial Stability Review. Issue 42. Spring 2022
- Digitalisation and banking: new risks and three scenarios for the European banking system of the future. Thorsten Beck and Antonio Sánchez 453 KB
- Reflections on the future business model of European banks and the supervisory approach. Julio R. Hernáez, Alejandra Bernad, Laura Hierro and Ana M. Gómez-Bezares 538 KB
- Bank fees and charges: economic analysis, legal framework and relevance for financial stability. Alejandro Ferrer and Álvaro Pereda 610 KB
- Wholesale financial markets and digital currencies: making headway in the tokenisation of central bank money. Sergio Gorjón 783 KB
- Sectoral indicators for applying the Banco de España’s new macroprudential tools. Carmen Broto, Esther Cáceres and Mariya Melnychuk 569 KB
- The first ten years of the European Systemic Risk Board (2011-2021). Luis Gutiérrez de Rozas 1 MB